At Walton le Dale, our Mathematics Mastery curriculum has been developed to enable every child to achieve excellence in maths. Our aim is for children to leave as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians; who understand that maths is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in. Our children will thrive on conquering the challenges and puzzles that maths will bring and not be afraid to ‘have a go’.
We aim that all children:
Develop procedural fluency and a deep understanding of the number system in order to become efficient, accurate and flexible thinkers.
Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.
At Walton le Dale, we believe that mathematics is an important life skill.
Mathematics is planned and delivered within the framework of the 2014 National Curriculum, Power Maths programme for all year groups and the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, together with our school policies for teaching and learning, assessment, special needs and equal opportunities.
Pre-Teach & Post-Teach
Through ‘in the moment’ formative assessment, staff identify and support children through immediate intervention when appropriate. If not, those who are at risk of gaps in learning emerging are supported through quality first teaching and, if necessary, 1:1 sessions, in order to maintain the mastery approach of all the class moving through the curriculum together at the same pace.
Catch Up
Children who are struggling with certain concepts are given opportunities to catch up in small group sessions, matched to their learning needs.
Maths No Problem is designed by experts, using a spiral curriculum where every textbook and lesson builds upon the learning that came before.
Daily lessons cover the required National Curriculum content and revisit prior concepts to encourage essential learning connections.
Maths No Problem is a high-quality NCETM approved textbook scheme which enables children to master mathematics by developing their fluency without resorting to rote learning or requiring children to solely memorise procedures.
Maths No Problem has been selected due to the high quality of the teaching resources, tools, and ongoing support through effective CPD and teacher guidance. The scheme is used across school, from EYFS to Year6.
High quality teaching; tailored to meet the needs of the learners in each class, and immediate intervention to address gaps in learning where necessary.
Resilient learners with a ‘We Can’ attitude to Mathematics, whatever their previous level of attainment.
High-quality questioning and responsive teaching techniques to explore children’s understanding and develop it further.
Use of misconceptions to further understanding of key concepts.
Teachers using a range of methods to explore key Mathematical concepts, employing concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
Children being given the opportunity, through careful planning, to linger longer on and go deeper in mathematical concepts.
Provides two systematic and structured teaching programmes:
EYFS Number Sense and Number Facts Fluency which develop confidence and flexibility with number and fluency in addition & subtraction facts. Number Sense is taught daily in Reception, across KS1 and until the Autumn term in Year 3.
Developed in school alongside the National Curriculum. Tables Sense was created to ensure effective daily teaching of multiplication facts from Year 2 onwards. It consists of 7 strategies: 1 group more 1 group less, commutative law, counting in groups, doubles, known facts, notice the pattern and square numbers.
Children are taught these strategies when learning new times tables equations. With repeated practice they are then able to select an appropriate strategy and move towards recalling facts with automaticity. By teaching children specific strategies, they develop a deep understanding of multiplication and can establish links between facts which supports their capacity to problem solve and reason. Tables Sense is taught daily in Years 2, 3, 4 and the first half of Year 5.
We believethat strong arithmetic skills and fluency within number are imperative for children to become confident mathematicians. To solve complex problems efficiently, children must not feel overwhelmed when calculating numerical equations, instead children need to know when to work mentally and when to use a specific written method. In order to achieve fluency with both mental and written calculations, KS2 maths lessons often begin with an ‘Arithmetic and Fluency’ session.
By the time children leave Year 6, they will be efficient mathematicians who are fluent in arithmetic and confident with written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division. They will have a well-developed understanding of the number system and place value which will enable them to establish connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals and percentages.
When problem solving, children will reason and think mathematically being able to clearly articulate and demonstrate their understanding using correct mathematical vocabulary and notation. They will be able to solve a wide range of problems across all areas of mathematics using both written and mental methods of calculation. Children’s knowledge of geometry will be developed, and they will use the correct terminology when describing the properties of complex shapes.
Our children will enjoy and embrace challenges; they will value mistakes and see them as learning opportunities. They will understand the importance of mathematics in the wider world and their resilience, knowledge and confidence will enable them to positively transition and progress with mathematics in KS3.