Retrieval practice = Trying to remember something that might otherwise be forgotten.
This also includes retrieving information quicker and quicker until it becomes an instantly recallable fact or fluent. Then continuing to practice until it can't be forgotten. The highest priority for every child is reading, whether that be developing their phonics, fluency or nurturing a love of reading.
Children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 should have their reading record signed by an adult each day they read their colour coded book at home. Children in Year 5 and 6 should note in their diaries when they read along with when they plan to complete other homework .
Below are homework expectations for each age. Your class teacher may personalise the essentials for your child to meet their individual needs. Research on learning has overwhelming evidence that retrieval practice is an extremely effective method of remembering. Our homework is based on these principles as if we are asking you and your child to give up valuable time, we want it to make the greatest possible difference to your child’s learning.
Reception, Year 1, 2, 3 & 4
Reading Record Example
Year 5 & 6
Homework Diary Example