British Values

We are committed to serving our community and surrounding area to provide your children with the best education possible. We recognise, celebrate and embrace the multicultural, multifaith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values. As a community school, we encourage admissions from all those entitled to education under British law regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status. At Walton le Dale, we believe  that our pupils’ understanding of the British Values will enable them to participate fully in modern, multi-cultural Britain. We want our children to live confidently and work alongside other people from different backgrounds, faiths and/or cultures.


  • Our pupils participate in voting within annual school council elections
  • Our pupils have the opportunity to volunteer for numerous roles within classes and across the school such as school captain, play leader and our lunch leaders.
  • The children participate in charity fundraising events, often suggesting them themselves.
  • Democracy is also promoted through daily decision making and RSE lessons.
  • National events linked to democracy are explained and discussed in assemblies. In recent years, these have included the General Election, Scottish referendum, Brexit referendum, local elections and world events.
  • Pupils are taught about the freedom of speech and that people can have differing opinions.

The Rule of Law

  • Our behaviour policy demands high expectations of pupil conduct. At the start of each year, these expectations are discussed in classes and interpreted in positively worded class rules. In this way, the children have ownership of the shared expectations.
  • Through our RSHE lessons, our pupils are taught how to earn trust and respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality, knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult.
  • We have close links with our local police PCSO who visits school. The younger children meet police officers through their ‘People who help us’ work, including parents who are in the police. 
  • The children learn about laws which keep us safe through road safety and Bikeability training.

Individual Liberty

  • Strong relationships at Walton le Dale Primary mean that the children feel confident to express themselves and share their opinions in a respectful way.
  • Through our school values and RSHE lessons, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration. They are encouraged to follow their personal interests in art,sport etc.
  • The children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including online. This is done through computing and PSHE lessons, assemblies and via work with external agenciese.g. police, NSPCC.

Mutual Respect

  • Mutual respect is an expectation of all and is promoted through daily life at our school.
  • We have strong, respectful relationships between adults and children and between children. This was commented on by Ofsted atour last inspection. There is an expectation that we listen to each other and value each other’s opinions and beliefs. 
  • The children are taught, via assemblies and RSHE lessons, how to actively listen to each other, show interest and support each other. 
  • Staff model to children how to work together and get along.
  • The children gain awareness through learning during Black History Month, International Women’s Day and work about ‘different families, same love’.
  • Stereotypes are challenged and explanations are used as an educational opportunity. It is planned for staff to receive Stonewall training to support this work further.

Tolerance of those with Differing Faiths and Beliefs

  • Pupils learn about a range of faiths and beliefs and how this understanding enriches their life experiences. Similarities are highlighted rather than differences.
  • High behavioural expectations mean that anycomments, which show a lack of understanding or potential prejudice, are tackled, for example if between children or during class discussion.
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the RE curriculum. Pupils learn about different religions,places of worship and festivals.
  • Special assemblies mark different festivals egDiwali, Christmas, Eid, Holi among others.
  • International visits and visitors have done much to inform children of other cultures and beliefs.
  • Visitors and visits broaden the children’s awareness and understanding e.g. local clergy, Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu visitors. Visits are arranged to different places of worship