Our Science curriculum is designed to enable children to explore and discover, and to develop a deeper understanding about the world around them. Through knowledge-led studies, children will become biologists, chemists and physicists and learn about the evolution of our planet and beyond and how living organisms and matter has evolved over time.
We want our children to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can build their own hypotheses that they can test systematically.
Each study is packed with vocabulary which the children will use to express their scientific understanding and enable them to group, compare and classify living organisms and matter.
This vocabulary will be used in variety of ways across other curriculum areas.
Science in Action - Children put their knowledge and understanding into action by:
Raising questions
Planning fair tests
Recording results
Presenting findings
Interpreting results
Our Science studies, along with the knowledge that has gone into developing them, has been thoughtfully selected around the National Curriculum and our scientific key concepts.
They are designed to build upon a vocabulary rich knowledge in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. One of our main goals is for children to be able to make sense of the scientific world and to put this into action by answering session key questions and exploring scientific phenomena.
Our children demonstrate their understanding by being given the opportunity to write about and present in a variety of ways, what they know.
We have designed our Science curriculum to visit the work of a range of noteworthy scientists. These scientists have been specifically selected for their contribution to science in the key areas of our studies, whilste encompassing gender and cultural diversity.
Our belief is that by introducing children to a diverse group of scientists across different cultures and backgrounds, we can widen children’s aspirations and move away from the stereotype of what a scientist is.
Below are example documents and support from our curriculum intent.
Our Science Big Ideas enables discussion and a growing understanding by children of scientific disciplinary knowledge. The Outcomes focus on Science in Action - the core investigative and enquiry elements of Science, all based on children's growing knowledge.
Scientific concepts are mapped across each study, enabling spiral revisiting over time, forming a concepts 'story'.
Each concept's 'story' over time is documented to enable teachers and children to develop depth in susbtantive knowledge.
Each study includes specific Science in Action development, linked to contextual ideas for teachers to create investigations. Within each study session, core knowledge is coloured green to direct teachers. Prior knowledge required to access the session is specified in detail to guide teachers.